About Me

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Hidalgo, Texas, United States
24/7/365 Educator! I really love what I do and love to implement technology as much as I can, to meet the needs of my digital native students. I consider myself a teekducator (technology geek+educator) and like to take advantage of Web2.0. I'm an Instructional Media Masters Graduate from Wilkes University and am currently finalizing my Principalship from Lamar University! I'm a 5th Grade teacher @ Valley View 5th Grade Campus, this is my fifth year teaching! =)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

(u06a1) Cellphones as Learning Tools

First of all I’m for the use of massive technology in the classroom, and I would fully consider implementing cellphones in my classroom as well.  Although I had never actually seen it in action or hear comments from the students themselves, after watching the video Cellphones as Learning Tools it is to no doubt the great impact that cellphones have over our students.  It’s the newest fad and must have for every student especially teens. 

Positive Educational Values

This video truly shows the great impacts that it has created on the students who participate in a classroom where cellphones are used in the daily lessons by their teacher.  The following lists the positive educational values for teachers and students:

1.      Students are fully engaged and participating actively

2.      Students show greater interest in learning

3.      Students demonstrate a higher responsibility role

4.      Greater collaboration amongst peers

5.      The teacher and principal have direct contact and collaboration with students instantly

6.      Stronger and healthier teacher/principal relationship

Potential Pitfalls

Although cellphones are of a great impact to this group of students, and student everywhere it does show some pitfalls which can suppress the actual values.

1.      Only students with cellphones can participate and this might cause those who do not have cellphones to feel left out/neglected

2.      Students can easily go off topic and use their phones for other reasons instead of staying on task in the assignment

3.      Students can take advantage of the situation and cause negative/serious problems

4.      Bad criticism can offend students

5.      There is no ideal control (firewall) over the use of cellphones

6.      Too much freedom

I truly liked the impact that cellphones created in the classroom as a learning tool, I really love the fact that students are well engaged and extremely active in the learning experience.  I would love to incorporate this in my classroom, but I know that in my 3rd grade classroom not many of my students have cellphones yet, but I know that they do own Nintendo DSis and PSPs.  I know that it may not be a cellphone, but the Nintendo DSis give the option to chat and everyone can join.  This would be easier for me to incorporate in my classroom because I could see exactly what my students are typing while I use my own DSi to control the learning experience.  This is something I think I will try out after the state assessment pose questions and have my students collaborate using the texting feature on the DSis while I also collaborate with them.  I believe that DSis have the capability for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, saying so I can look for a Web2.0 site to incorporate this gadget and see if they can be seen via computer as well.  Just thinking about it gets me anxious to start!

Cellphones and other electronic devices which include Nintendo DSis, PSPs, and IPods are not allowed at our campus, it breaks our school policy that students and parents are fully aware of.  I know that I can ask and explain my project to my principal who may give the “Green Light” to try out.  If so I would send a letter home to parents explaining our upcoming project and ask for permission to let their child participate and let them take their electronic device to school when asked.  I’ve created many projects with the help of Web2.0 tools, my students’ parents are fully aware and I send them a copy or email with the link of our project.  I surely have their support and we are always in contact.  I do feel that it may cause a problem and challenges with other students in other classes who might not understand what we are actually doing, or feel simply left out then parents of those students can cause a great problem.  I would have to sit down with my principal and discuss how we can have control over this future project.  A technical challenge might be the versions of Nintendo owned by students, not all my own the DSi or the DSi XL or 3D or whichever version that is up to date.  I wouldn’t like for my students to feel ashamed for the one in which they own, but I know that this is something that I can truly take care off before we start the project. 
Future Project NintendoDSi innovator! =)

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