About Me

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Hidalgo, Texas, United States
24/7/365 Educator! I really love what I do and love to implement technology as much as I can, to meet the needs of my digital native students. I consider myself a teekducator (technology geek+educator) and like to take advantage of Web2.0. I'm an Instructional Media Masters Graduate from Wilkes University and am currently finalizing my Principalship from Lamar University! I'm a 5th Grade teacher @ Valley View 5th Grade Campus, this is my fifth year teaching! =)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

(u05a1) Broadcasting Assignment: Retention Decisions

For some reason I cannot embed my USTREAMtv live video into blogger.  I've googled to find help on this topic, but it is to no doubt that it Blogger does not accept the embed codes from USTREAMtv.  No matter the issues, here is the link to my USTREAMtv brodcasting channel. 

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