About Me

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Hidalgo, Texas, United States
24/7/365 Educator! I really love what I do and love to implement technology as much as I can, to meet the needs of my digital native students. I consider myself a teekducator (technology geek+educator) and like to take advantage of Web2.0. I'm an Instructional Media Masters Graduate from Wilkes University and am currently finalizing my Principalship from Lamar University! I'm a 5th Grade teacher @ Valley View 5th Grade Campus, this is my fifth year teaching! =)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Glogster+Perez = Glogsterez =)

Glog Project Link:  http://seperez.edu.glogster.com/main-idea/

     GLOGSTER... The only word I can think of is WOW!  I'm amazed on the comments I got about Glogster!  I loved working on this project, I couldn't keep my mind off of admiring the project I had created and went back a numerous amount of times just to tweak it up (LOL).  Because this week marked the end of the six weeks grading period, it was to no doubt that my students and I were bombed with six weeks tests.  I thought about creating my first glog on the topic I will be covering this upcoming week for reading, Main Idea!  So I thought long and hard on what I really wanted to do for this Glog to help me inspire, teach, and motivate, as well as take my students breath away!  Unfortunately I was too anxious to wait
(LOL)!  As my students finished their exams I quickly assigned them the glog project as an individual learning center, and boy were they amazed and WOWed (we call it the WOW factor in class)!  Each day after that they kept asking me for more, and if they could use Glogster, and I nearly cried of excitement!  Which leads me to develop the Glogster Plan of Action.  As I mentioned before I have a PowerPoint project that my students create on different skills for a comprehensive review to use before the state assessments in April.  Now I think, I can take it even further, and accompanying that PowerPoint they can create a Glog to share with their classmates on that same topic, but with "the skies the limit" activities on the web.  As I type, I'm jubilant about the idea, and so want to see their faces when I tell them it's their turn to Create and WOW (they love when I WOW them)!  This project will express and define their each unique creative mind, with a whammy of fostering and innovating, YAY! :)  The purpose of this assignment will incorporate the mastery of the content studied as well as stepping outside the BOX and creating and synthesizing knowledge to express their mastered content!  I will focus on the reading standards that are not only important, but essential to their everyday life. 

Reading Standards:

  1. Main Idea
  2. Story Elements: Character, Character Traits, Setting, and Plot
  3. Cause and Effect
  4. Predicting Outcomes
  5. Inference
  6. Drawing Conclusions
  7. Context Clues
  8. Summary
  9. Author's Purpose
  10. Sequence
  11. Supporting Details
  12. Compare and Contrast
  13. Fact vs. Opinion

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