About Me

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Hidalgo, Texas, United States
24/7/365 Educator! I really love what I do and love to implement technology as much as I can, to meet the needs of my digital native students. I consider myself a teekducator (technology geek+educator) and like to take advantage of Web2.0. I'm an Instructional Media Masters Graduate from Wilkes University and am currently finalizing my Principalship from Lamar University! I'm a 5th Grade teacher @ Valley View 5th Grade Campus, this is my fifth year teaching! =)

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Origins of Halloween

For my virtual field trip I decided to incorporate the different origins of Halloween and how it was celebrated as well as for my students to compare and contrast Halloween in America to Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico.  Since we live so close to the border of Mexico, many of my students celebrate Mexcian cultures and traditions, so I thought it would be a good way to incorporate reading and social studies through this virtual field trip.

Social Studies:  TLW learn and discuss on the history and origins of Halloween from different countries.
Reading:  TLW compare and contrast Halloween in America to Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico.  TLW create a venn-diagram for Halloween in America and Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico. 
Art:  TLW create and design their own ghost as a symbol of Halloween and a calaver (skull) as a symbol of Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).  

Within this lesson I've planned for the development of the students respectful and ethical minds. 
The Respectful Mind:  TLW respect the different celebrations and customs from various cultures. 
The Ethical Mind:  TLW understand and identify the different point of views of Halloween from the different cultural celebrations of Halloween, including their own. 

Halloween Origins

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